Prisoner in town | The duty

I haven’t had a car for 27 years. I was very happy about it…until this year. In town, I use public transport, the bicycle or I simply walk. To compensate for the almost total absence of intercity transport, I could rent a car for the day to go to the countryside, in the forest, elsewhere. The pandemic has changed that. After two years in a city-prison, I can’t take it anymore. But I can no longer afford to rent a car, the price of which has tripled, even quadrupled, over the past two years. I can still get to Montreal by butter churn (Orleans Express) for double the pre-pandemic price. Let’s not even talk about the tortillard… It represents an inflation of 100 to 200%. However, in Europe, prices remained similar to those of two years ago. There are those who overdo it on this side… If the prices do not come down to an acceptable level, I will only have one solution left: buy a car, the smallest, the cheapest, the simplest (if that exist !). A nightmare. Unnecessary expenses, wasted time, pollution, one more car in traffic… As if there weren’t too many already…

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