Weakened by illness, the singer rebels… Rare confessions about his upset daily life!

Florent Pagny has the rage to live. However at the beginning of the year, the happy father of two children revealed that he was suffering from cancer. “I have just been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in the lung, which cannot be operated on. I have to go into a six-month protocol of chemotherapy and X-rays”he explained on the Web. “Now, me and my better half have to put ourselves in warrior mode in order to face this ordeal. At least for the next six months.”

If he postponed his new tour, Florent Pagny continued filming The Voice. In the midst of turmoil, he was able to count on the support of his admirers and that of his relatives.“Yes, I knew this period when you don’t want anything, you don’t have the peach, your heart is on the edge of your lips, but that passes” revealed the interpreter of “Savoir Aimer” for Gala. “I had pure chemo, the one that kicks ass: heartache for twelve days, it’s no longer a joke! You know, the seasickness you keep even though you’ve been on dry land for a week”.

To this day, Florian Pagny fights like a lion. And the latest news about him is rather reassuring. This month, Marghe, who distinguished herself by her side in The Voice mentioned his former coach in the columns of Tele-Leisure. Obviously, the duo is constantly in contact. “It hurt me to learn that he had cancer, but each time we contacted him, he was in a determined mood, always with this desire to get better”, confessed the artist and to increase “To me, he’s a warrior!” “. On a daily basis, Florian Pagny even struggles to support him in his career: “He told me to be myself. That now, we knew that I sang well but that I had to show who I was”. Words that touched the budding star to the highest point!


to see also: Florent Pagny suffering from cancer, his fans are worried about a detail seen in a photo of his daughter!

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