Emmanuel Macron and the “end of abundance”, reform of unemployment insurance … Philippe Martinez’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Philippe Martinez, secretary general of the CGT, was the guest of “8:30 franceinfo”, Thursday August 25. Emmanuel Macron referring to the “end of abundance”unemployment insurance reform… He answers questions from Céline Asselot and Jean-François Achilli.

Comments by Emmanuel Macron: “little contemptuous phrases”

Abundance “this is surely the situation that the President of the Republic is experiencing with his friends, but it is not the reality of millions of citizens“, reacted Thursday August 25 on franceinfo Philippe Martinez, secretary general of the CGT. Wednesday Emmanuel Macron spoke about “the end of abundance” about global warming. The president spoke in particular of raw materials, technological products and not necessarily of financial abundance.

“He talks a lot and immediately behind he wants to attack the unemployed again by reducing unemployment insurance.”

Philippe Martinez

at franceinfo

“He weighs his words when he speaks, the President of the Republic. He sends messages”, added Philippe Martinez. While many French people are in difficulty, “Corporate profits are rising indecently”, he pointed out. He also recalled that the law on purchasing power passed in July “never talk about salary. There are two worlds that come together in this country”.

Unemployment insurance: “the negotiation is already truncated”

There is “none” margin of negotiation concerning the reform of the unemployment insurance, declared the secretary general of the CGT. The government will present its unemployment insurance reform and must meet the social partners.

The unemployed are “pointed out, but there are two problems: working conditions and wages. There is no answer” on these topics. As far as negotiations are concerned, “The method is always the same. They send us a letter and they tell us: this is the result I want. The frame” negotiation “is very small. We are told: here is the result we want, manage to find it. The negotiation is already truncated”.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Thursday August 25, 2022:

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