Legacy of Jean-Luc Delarue: his ex and his widow at war in court, who came out on top?

Following the death of the animator, who was fighting a double cancer, Elisabeth Bost, columnist of the Big 8 on D8, intends to cancel the marriage of his ex Jean-Luc Delarue and Anissa Khel. The mother of Jean, then 9 years old, felt that the distribution of the inheritance of the producer was not fair. In the columns of Paris Match in 2013, she agreed to discuss this file, this monster standoff in which she had embarked since the death of the late host. “This fight is for Jean. […] I claim the right to be able to continue my son’s education with the means we had agreed with his father, she confides at the time. This is why I am asking for the maintenance of the pension paid during his lifetime, although this was refused to me since, to everyone’s surprise, Jean-Luc’s accounts were empty at the time of his death..”

A fortune estimated at 22 million euros

Indeed, according to the wishes of Jean-Luc Delarue as established in his famous will, Elisabeth Bost was totally excluded from the management of the inheritance of her minor son, who inherited half of his father’s colossal fortune, estimated at 22 million euros, including an apartment on rue Bonaparte in Paris, since sold, a house in Sauzon where the wedding of Anissa and Jean-Luc Delarue took place, as well as works of art and shares of Reservoir Prod. If Anissa received half, the son of Elisabeth Bost was for his part taxed at 45% in inheritance tax, to the greatest regret of his mother. Jean Delarue still received the sum of 6 million euros.

Rejected, she owes money to Anissa

As for Elisabeth Bost, she was finally dismissed, the justice having finally decided in favor of the widow, by applying the last wishes of the late presenter. Master Francis Szpiner, the lawyer of Anissa, the widow of the famous animator, had announced on Twitter the decision of the court. “Elisabeth Bost loses her case against Anissa Delarue. (…) For the court, ‘the marriage was a carefully considered project’ even before the discovery of Jean-Luc Delarue’s illness. (…) Rejection of the requests for nullity of the will, the marriage, the codicil and condemns Elisabeth Bost to pay 8000 euros to Anissa Delarue“, he had written. Rejected, she therefore had to pay more money to her rival.

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