actor Vincent Cassel’s apartment robbed, three suspects arrested

The intrusion took place in the actor’s home overnight from Sunday to Monday. Three people in possession of electronic equipment were arrested and taken into custody.

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French actor and director Vincent Cassel was robbed overnight from Sunday to Monday, franceinfo learned on Wednesday August 24 from a police source. Around 4 a.m. on Monday, the police of the 20th arrondissement were called for a burglary committed on the boulevard de Ménilmontant, in the north-east of Paris. Once they arrived at the scene, the agents arrested three suspects, found in possession of electronic equipment, whom they placed in custody.

Vincent Cassel was not at home during the offence. His assistant was notified by telephone. A complete inventory of what was stolen will be made upon the return of the actor, also specified the same police source, adding that the canopy of the apartment was broken during the offense. The territorial security of Paris took over the investigation.

Vincent Cassel’s apartment had already been robbed in 2009, the newspaper recalls The Parisian. The actor, made famous in the 1990s for his role in the film Hatredhad been stolen several jewels for an estimated value of 80,000 euros, as well as two computers and the Italian passport of his companion at the time, Monica Bellucci, still according to the Ile-de-France daily.

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