“The 80 police reinforcements in Perpignan are not ‘one shot'”

The new prefect of Pyrénées-Orientales took office on Tuesday. Rodrigue Furcy is 41 years old. He arrives from the Hautes-Pyrénées where he was prefect for two years. Previously, this enarque born in Tourcoing, was deputy chief of staff to the President of the Republic.

Before meeting the great elected officials and the actors of the department, Rodrigue Furcy delivered the priorities that he intends to carry in his action for the Pyrénées-Orientales.

The 80 CRS in early September in Perpignan

The reinforcements announced last Sunday by the Minister of the Interior will arrive at the beginning of September. The prefect ensures that it is still necessary to work on their precise assignment but one thing is certain: “These reinforcements arrive in a structured and long-term strategy, according to Rodrigue Furcy. There will of course be visibility with the actions on the deal points, but we will also work with the gendarmes, the communities, the social landlords to _prevent other drug outlets from opening elsewhere_. This requires a redevelopment of the urban space, the installation of cameras, coordination between the police and the gendarmerie but also to ensure that there will be a judicial follow-up after the arrests.

There must be a judicial follow-up downstream. Rodrigue Furcy

The prefect will specify in the coming days the methods of deployment of these 80 police officers in Perpignan who are intended to stay over time to carry out substantive work: “it’s not a one shot *!”

No new drought bans

A drought committee is meeting again this Wednesday in the prefecture. Rodrigue Furcy wanted to reassure: “There will be no major announcements or new restrictions on the use of water. The rains of recent days in the mountains have relieved certain sectors”. The representative of the State played the appeasement after the tensions of the heart of the summer within the agricultural world.

I salute the voluntary approach of many water users, and in particular farmers, who have voluntarily gone beyond the restrictions to preserve the resource.

Rodrigue Furcy advocates management “collective and concerted” water in the department, with long-term thinking.

Finally, the new prefect hammered home his wish to work on unemployment and poverty who undermine the department. He promises actions to help companies recruit in a department which has 11.7% unemployment.

* one shot: once and nothing.

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