Hélène de Fougerolles single by choice: “For the moment I don’t want or need”

Hélène de Fougerolles is writing a beautiful page in her life as she turns 50 next February. The star has decided to leave Paris to buy a house in the Luberon, where she lives in peace. A haven of peace which she enjoys alone or with her daughter, Shana. Single, she is not looking for a companion and is doing very well.

It’s in the pages of We bothas she promotes her new series titled And the mountain will bloom that Hélène de Fougerolles confided. If she says she always believes in love, she puts no pressure or expectation on herself: “Love is essential in life. I find it more difficult at my age, where there is less utopia. I get bored pretty quickly when I’m with someone all the time. For the moment, I don’t want, nor need for that matter, to be in a relationship. I even love being alone. I feel super good“, she swears to the magazine. Her happiness, she now finds it with nature, she who left the capital after confinement to “reconnect“with. Besides, she passes”two hours a day” in his garden to maintain it.

If her single life suits her for the moment, Hélène de Fougerolles has, however, had some great stories in the past. From 1997 to 2004, the actress was thus married to producer Éric Hubert, father of her daughter Shana; the latter, born in 2003, suffers from autism. Subsequently, she was in a relationship for a few years with the businessman Antoine Arnault. We also saw her for a while on the arm of another businessman, Marc Simoncini. Hélène de Fougerolles has lived long enough to take a step back from her feelings and her desires, so much so that she now says to herself “polyamorous“.”I no longer want to put age or sex on the people I’m interested in (…) It’s not sexual attraction, because it’s not sex that drives me, it’s love and possible exchange with several people. Sharing loving exchanges with men or women, which can also be open to other people. I have several companions“, she confided to Paris Match.

The confidences of Hélène de Fougerolles can be found in We bothAugust 23, 2022 edition.

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