he falls into a tree in Lille

Nourredine has just celebrated her 40th birthday and to mark the occasion, her friends decide to offer her a parachute jump. This thrill seeker has jumped several times attached to an instructor, but for his birthday he has all the authorizations to be alone even if he is accompanied at a distance by 2 trainers.

Headset failure

This resident of Neuville-en-Ferrain took off from Bondues aerodrome around 2 p.m. with a small group. He is connected by headset to an instructor and he launches into the void at an altitude of 4,000 meters above the Lille metropolis. Just after the freefall and when he opens his sail, Nourredine explains that he loses the radio signalI was well briefed but with the stress I could not find the ground“. He is completely disoriented and aims for a football field. But the winds take him towards the tram line, so he has the reflex to aim for a grove. He finally crashed at the top of a tree, in the courtyard of a building about twenty meters from the rails. His parachute remains stuck at 10 meters high and Nourredine is fine “as surprising as it may seem“.

The firefighters came to take him down from the tree © Radio France
Antoine Barege

“We will stop there for the jumps”

In the building it’s the commotion…it must be said that this building belongs to the police officers of general information who fear the worst! The firefighters are called and using a large ladder, they lower the forties who had the fright of his life. Nourredine is fine, he was able to hug his wife and his 2 little girls who came to assist in the rescue.

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When he gets off the fire truck, he assures us that he will never parachute again in his life! : “I will remember my 40 years, my family will remember it and I think we will stop there for the parachute jumps

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