Long live Salman! | The duty

The extraordinary Salman Rushdie had just come to talk about persecuted artists when he was cowardly stabbed.

But the attack failed, Rushdie survived and will still be able to speak… and even joke!

It’s happy! All is not lost, on the contrary, because this attempted murder rather turned against the attackers: Salman Rushdie remains still and always a symbol of freedom of thought and continues to inspire with his strength of resistance… his words and his humor!

It’s quite a snub to the launchers of fatwas!

It is almost miraculous that at the age of 75, Rushdie was able to survive (which was not the case of the former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was recently assassinated by a fanatic and died at the end of his blood).

Iran’s ultraconservatives were disappointed, desperate, as was the perpetrator of the attack, Hadi Matar, a follower of Ayatollah Khomeini, who was left utterly surprised that Rushdie survived the attack and ashamed that he missed it. Serves him right !

Rushdie’s books are once again a hit in bookstores, we’re tearing them up! Here is a beautiful answer to the disbelievers!

Obviously, Iran, in the process, embarrassed by this failure, dissociated itself from the young fanatic, also upset by the failure of the attack, which only haloed again the author of the satanic verses and the magic of midnight children. Long live Salman!

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