southern regions of the EU face risks until November, assures the European Commission

Mediterranean regions remain threatened by abnormal drought until November, assured the European Commission on Monday 22 August. Almost half of the territory of the EU (47%) remained, in the first ten days of August, exposed to so-called drought levels “warning”, i.e. registering a significant deficit of humidity on the ground, declared the JRC, the scientific research service of the Commission. And 17% are placed on alert, with vegetation and crops seriously weakened by the lack of water, compared to 11% at the beginning of July.

From now on, “After a long, unusually dry streak, near-normal conditions are expected from August to October across much of Europe”underline the experts of the JRC in a report. “It may not be enough to fully recover from the cumulative (rainfall) deficit over more than six months, but it will alleviate the critical conditions in many areas”they say.

Already, the precipitation of mid-August “may have alleviated drought conditions”even though “in some areas, thunderstorms have caused damage and may have limited the beneficial effects”. However, for the western Mediterranean regions “warmer and drier than average conditions could occur through November”and parts of Spain and Portugal are expected to continue to experience drought levels “warning”warns the JRC.

Among the regions most affected by the rainfall deficit, the report singles out central and southern Portugal, all of Spain, southern France, central Italy, southern Germany, as well as a vast area covering Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.

Associated by scientists with global warming, these exceptionally hot and dry weather conditions “significantly reduced yield prospects for summer crops”, observe the experts. According to the report, corn (yield down 8.6% at EU level), sunflower (-5.5%) and soybeans (-9.6%) are the most affected. The final yield for the maize crop is currently expected to be 16% below the average for the past five years.

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