Delphine Wespiser out of her, her rant and her violent accusations against Emmanuel Macron!

Delphine Wespiser and animals is a great love story. A bit like Karine Ferri, the columnist of TPMP continues to work for the rights of hairballs and defend them body and soul. A defense that she was able to reveal during her time in Traitors on M6. Indeed, the ex-Miss France may not have needed to defend a dog or a cat, but she still had to fight in the first episode of the new broadcast of chain.

Fight to save your skin and not be ousted from the program by the traitors Clémence Castel, Just Riadh and Vanessa Douillet. But also so as not to create doubt in the minds of his team made up of Loyal. This last team, which is totally unaware of who the three people who aim to eliminate them are, in fact suspects all the candidates present. Delphine Wespiser therefore had to redouble her efforts to avoid attracting doubts and save her skin. However, this was not enough to convince Internet users.

His fight against hunting

The latter did not fail to tackle the columnist of TPMP that they judge”traitor in real life”. And there is no doubt that his story posted on Monday August 22 will, once again, divide Internet users about him. Indeed, Delphine Wespiser has decided to push a rant against Emmanuel Macron. The President of the Republic whom she judges “President of the Hunters” as the many stories that she relayed on her account suggest.

Stories initially published by the L214 association which accuse the Head of State of having “gives several gifts to hunters”. With a “+23% increase in subsidies” for example or “the authorization of the return of traditional hunting techniques, which are nevertheless prohibited by the Council of State”. But also the hunting license reduced by half which promotes, according to Delphine Wespiser and the L214 association, the arrival of new hunters and the destruction of forests or animals…

See also: The new car of the columnist of “TPMP”, Delphine Wespiser disgusts her fans: “Another good giver of lessons!”


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