Julien Tanti’s companion at the heart of criticism after a photo published by her husband!

In the last photo published by Julien Tanti on Instagram, Manon Marsault is blonde in addition to having long, straight hair. A new haircut that brings her closer and closer physically to another candidate for “Marseillais”, Jessica Thivenin. “It looks too much like Jessica in the first photo!!!”, “It looks like Jessica in the 1st photo”, “I had to look twice to see that it was Manon, I thought I saw Jessica in the first photo”, ” Whore jessica clone!!!”can we read in the comments.

Internet users are unanimous, the resemblance between the two reality TV candidates is striking. And according to them, it is Manon Marsault who copies the companion of Thibault Garcia. “You look like Jessica in the 1st photo, you have to stop wanting to look like her”, “You look like Jessica in the first photo, you’re so jealous”comment those who think so.

This is not the first time that Manon Marsault has been at the heart of criticism on this subject. On June 2, the mother of Tiago and Angelina posted a photo of her on which, there too, she looks like two drops of water to Jessica. Once again, this is a photo in which Manon is blonde. But for those who say they’re clones, it’s not a question of hair color, but a taste for cosmetic surgery that standardizes their features. “Why did I think it was Manon?”commented a user under his publication. “Because nothing looks more like a completely redone and botoxed woman than another botoxed woman lol. They all look alike. Only Carla didn’t give in to all that”replied another.

Both fully assume their cosmetic surgery procedures, which they talk about freely on the Web, especially to respond to slanderous comments or admit some of their mistakes. “I was missed”, “carnage”, this is what Manon Marsault said last June in our paper version of her last failed surgery. Same for Jessica, who assumes when Internet users get carried away. “F*ck, my face is redone, it’s traumatizing you. Relax guys, relax! I had just injected”, had initially declared the mother of Maylone after the broadcast of “Apprentis Aventuriers”. Before continuing: “I had injections two days before. That’s why I look like a grapefruit. But my face, you can see it’s not the same. Do you love me? I like it! It’s true that my face is swollen on TV, I can see it! But today I like it”. The main thing is that they find themselves there.

Antoine FM

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