Overtime at double rate | Unions file complaint against Quebec government

(Montreal) History repeats itself: the unions representing health care workers have once again filed complaints in court against the Quebec government, accusing it of having hindered their activities with its offer of overtime to double rate, presented at the end of July.

Posted at 3:10 p.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

Only a few days ago, on August 9, a judge from the administrative labor tribunal ruled in favor of the health unions, who had filed other complaints of obstruction and bad faith bargaining against Quebec, this time against because of Ministerial Order 071. This order had been adopted to retain or attract staff through various bonuses, as part of the fight against COVID-19.

And if Judge Myriam Bédard had agreed with the health unions, it was precisely because the government had announced these bonuses and measures without negotiating the parameters with the unions.

However, on July 20, Quebec announced that health care workers who agree to work overtime this summer will receive a salary at double rate rather than 150%, under certain conditions. And this measure was once again not negotiated with the unions.

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