Tom Cruise and Heather Locklear separated: the actress mortified by her embarrassing behavior…

She does not keep an imperishable memory of it, it is the case to say it. You’ve probably forgotten, but Tom Cruise briefly dated Heather Locklear in the 80s. The talented actress, who is now 60, remembered a particularly embarrassing date. Invited on the Chelsea Handler show in 2013, she returned to their brief romance and in particular their first date. No doubt to charm her, the hero of Top Gun (and its box office-busting sequel) invited the star of Melrose Place in a club to make her dance the night away. But the beautiful blonde was not really seduced. Amused, she then told the host: “Do you remember in Risky Business when he’s dancing in his boxers? We were dancing, and he started doing this… You stand still and don’t know what to do next to him. It was weird, i just sat…“. After that, Heather Locklear distanced herself and the couple did not last. If she has found love today with a certain Chris Heisser, Tom has less chance. After a discreet romance with Hayley Atwell, he still hasn’t found love.

Fortunately, Tom Cruise has more success in the cinema. The actor continues to make films that are increasingly successful. During a masterclass at the Cannes Film Festival, where he came to present the new Top Gun 2, he returned to his passion for films and explained why he is in no hurry to work with major streaming platforms. “I make films for the big screen. My films will not be released directly on the platforms. Going to the cinema is sharing an experience, whatever our culture or language. I go to see the films in theaters when they come out. I put on my cap (so as not to be recognized). I love seeing trailers. Since the age of 4 I have wanted to make films. I grew up with the films of Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin. Making movies has been a great journey for me. It’s like asking Gene Kelly why he dances? (laughs). I was 4 and a half years old. I had a parachute toy. I wanted to do the same. I made myself a parachute with my sheets, I climbed on the roof. When I started, I said to myself “this is not a good idea” (laughs). I hit the ground so hard that I saw stars for the first time in broad daylight. I said to myself, “that’s interesting””he had then told, all smiles.

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