annoyed by the candidates of Fort Boyard, he pushes a rant!

Come and face the formidable tests concocted by Father Fourras in Fort Boyard is not always easy. Sometimes, some teams roll up their sleeves and transcend themselves to elude the traps and come to the end of this adventure rich in emotions, the purpose of which is to collect money for a good cause. But other times, the mayonnaise does not take frankly within the team and the adventure turns into a nightmare.

This is a bit like what happened yesterday, Saturday August 20, in the 33rd season broadcast as usual on France 2. The team was led by the hypnotist Messmer, evening captain, and supplemented by the ex Miss France Vaimalama Chaves, the candidate of Koh Lanta Moussa Niangane, the former buyer ofDeal done Caroline Margeridon and comedians Philippe Caverivière, Edgar-Yves Monnou.

From the start of the show, the candidates struggled to collect the 7 keys necessary to enter the Treasury room. Apart from Moussa and Philippe Caverivière who wet the jersey, the other candidates chained failures and did not seem very concerned. This is particularly the case of the comedian Edgar-Yves Monnou, not very successful and who abandoned an event where he had to jump into the void. For her part, Vaimalama Chaves has also been criticized for refusing to play for two clues by attempting a test with spiders, critters that scare her terribly.

Seeing the team struggling and somewhat devastated, host Olivier Minne even cracked a tackle during the show. “For the moment, the only thing that has been effective since the beginning of this adventure is the opening credits”, he swung to the team. Nice tackle… Very uninspired until the end, the team lost considerable time in the treasure room to compose the code word. In the end, the sum collected amounted to only €7,546. A small sum unfortunately for the association which provides psychological support to minors, adolescents and young adults aged 13 to 25 years.

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