the government must “join rhetoric to action and accept a real co-construction with the Mahorais themselves”

The government can restore security and limit immigration “if he joins the speech to the actions and by accepting a real co-construction with the Mahorais themselves”, explained this Sunday, August 21 on franceinfo Mansour Kamardine, LR deputy for Mayotte. Gérald Darmanin is in Mayotte for three days where insecurity and immigration are very strong.

franceinfo: Do ​​you think the government can succeed in restoring security in Mayotte?

Mansour Kamardine: The government has every chance of succeeding if it joins the rhetoric to the deeds and by accepting a real co-construction with the Mahorais themselves. Until now the State has always told us what was good for us without ever taking into account the proposals we make. We didn’t go to a war school or a police school, but we know the terrain. We need solutions that are not dictated from the top down but drawn from the field and that they derogate from the common law solutions that are often suggested. The situation of Mayotte is not that of Paris, or that of Toulouse.

A bill had already been proposed at the beginning of the year, why was it rejected by local elected officials?

Because it wasn’t co-construction. It was something dictated from above and in no way corresponded to our expectations. What we want here is the fight against poverty, the improvement of the level of equipment in these territories. In the ten years that we have been a department, not a single infrastructure supporting sustainable development has been built here. On the contrary, we are offered policies that lead to the opposite effect of what is sought. When we say that we are fighting against immigration, we are taking decisions that favor immigration, when we say here that we are taking measures to fight against violence, we are taking measures that produce the opposite effect and encourage violence.

So immigration and insecurity are linked?

It’s not me who makes this link, it’s the government itself. Look at the statements, including from Gérald Darmanin, that have been made. He is coming to Mayotte for the second time and I think everyone knows that there is a close relationship between immigration and insecurity.

Gérald Darmanin comes to evaluate new means of repression of delinquency and immigration with in particular a closed educational center. Is this a good thing?

It’s a good orientation but you have to listen to us and do what we suggest. That is to say, relocate the Air Force and border police where necessary, at the very entrance to immigration, in the North. It is necessary to put drones which monitor, modify the right of access to nationality, to family reunification. We really have to get away from the logic of common law. In Mayotte, more than 52% of the population is in an irregular situation and in five years 90% of children in schools will be of immigrant origin. We are participating in the replacement of the population and this prospect strikes us deeply.

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