a baker adapts his shop so as not to increase his prices too much


France 3

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If in some bakeries the price of the baguette has already increased, some bakers have not yet passed on the increase in their costs, and hope not to have to increase their prices too much in the coming weeks. This is the case of a very ingenious artisan baker from Rouen, in Seine-Maritime.

Every day, it’s the race for small savings for Christophe Maugard. Since the crisis in Ukraine, this artisan baker from Rouen (Seine-Maritime) has limited the use of his gas oven as much as possible. Result: on a monthly gas bill of 620 euros, he provides for a 25% drop. And that’s not all, because to avoid losing the heat produced by the oven, he installed a redistribution system. “The calories that are still here go directly to the apartments above the shop, on three levels. So over the year, that’s 1,000 euros saved in heating”explains Christophe Maugard.

With these changes, the increase in its prices should be less significant than expected. An approach appreciated by customers. “It allows you to keep your customers, and that your customers are affected by this initiative, knowing that other bakers would not do it”, says a customer. With the announced surge in gas prices, this craftsman hopes for an increase in government aid.

source site-14