Martin Scorsese to direct Grateful Dead film

The prolific American filmmaker and producer Marin Scorsese will direct a film about the legendary group Grateful Dead, a project for which the actor Jonah Hill will play Jerry Garcia, leader of the legendary Californian group.

André Duchesne

André Duchesne

The project is under the aegis of the house of Apple with whom Sorsese is working for his next feature film, Killers of the Flower Moon.

Formed in 1965, the group Grateful Dead is quickly spotted and made a splash with its eponymous album launched in 1967. The group continued its activities until 1995, year of the death of Jerry Garcia.

Scorsese and Jonah will also be among the producers of the project. According to the specialized site, the first to announce this news, the former members of the group would have given their agreement to the project and Apple will thus have access to the catalog of musical training.

In 2017, Martin Scorsese had already signed a documentary, Long Strange Trip, dedicated to the group from Palo Alto.

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