How to prepare for the start of the school year?

The end of the holidays often sounds like a disappointment and can presage a painful moment of “return to reality” towards a daily life shared between work and obligations. If you have children, it is also a time of stress with the apprehension of the start of the school year.

The return of holidays also means the return of a stricter living environment, with rules and a rhythm to keep.

So, how to face the return to reality after having enjoyed the holidays? Bintily Diallo tries to answer it and gives you tips with the sophrologist Amelie Duprez.

Repeat good habits

For a smooth return to school, there’s nothing like… pampering yourself!

Just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean you can’t take wellness breaks. We can always allow ourselves daily moments to recharge our batteries and have fun.

Amélie Duprez gives you her advice in “C’est la vie”. She explains the benefits of sophrology on a daily basis throughout the year. She is the author of Be Yourself, the N°1 app for practicing sophrology on a daily basis!.

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