A Prime Minister lets loose in the evening: controversial video… and drug use?

These videos are private, they were filmed in private places,” added the Prime Minister. “I was spending an evening with friends“, she explained.

Sanna Marin’s way of dancing was criticized by some who deemed it unbecoming for a prime minister, while others felt she had the right to entertain with friends at a private party. Very controversial rumors have also circulated about comments made by unidentified people on narcotics.

MK Mikko Karna of the Center Party, which is part of the government coalition led by Sanna Marin, said in a tweet on Thursday that he “would be wise“May the Prime Minister submit”voluntarily take a drug test“. For his part, Sanna Marin said that alcohol had been drunk during this evening, while denying having taken drugs or having witnessed drug use by participants.

Antti Lindtman, leader of the SDP group in parliament, told a party conference on Thursday that the prime minister had his group’s backing. “I don’t see a big problem with her dancing with friends at a private event. As for the anti-drug test, it’s up to her to judge.“, he said.

This case brings up another one, concerning parties in his official residence. In December 2021, the young politician had been criticized for having danced until dawn when she was in contact with Covid-19. According to a poll conducted at the time for the MTV3 channel, two-thirds of those polled felt that the festive outing at the time had been “a big mistake“.

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