the young man prosecuted for “attempted murder” and “assault” pleads not guilty

L’The 24-year-old American was arrested immediately after repeatedly stabbing the author of “Satanic Verses” at a conference in Chautauqua, New York.

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The man arrested after the attack on Salman Rushdie, the author of the satanic verses stabbed multiple times on August 12, pleaded not guilty to “attempted murder” and “assault” in court in Mayville, New York, on Thursday August 18.

Arrested immediately after the events, Hadi Matar, a 24-year-old American, is accused of having stabbed the writer during a conference in Chautauqua, New York. He had already pleaded not guilty in a procedural hearing on Saturday. The judge chose to keep him in detention, without bail.

After a period on life support, Salman Rushdie was “on the road to recovery” Sunday, according to his agent. The writer has been the target of a fatwa (a religious decree) from the Iranian Ayatollah since 1989 Ruhollah Khomeini condemning him to death after the publication of the novel The satanic verses, considered blasphemous by some fundamentalist Muslims. Iran denied any involvement in the attack, but took the opportunity to castigate the novelist: “Only Salman Rushdie and his supporters should be blamed”said the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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