Experience the 2nd edition of the Pelliculive Festival in Thuir, from September 1 to 3, 2022

France Bleu Roussillon is delighted to be the partner of this 2nd edition of the Pellicu-live Festivalwhich will take place in Palauda Park, in the center of Thuir, on September 1, 2 and 3, 2022.

The pitch of the festival

Under the southern sun, in a delightful castle setting. It’s hot, the music is good, the food is delicious, the films are unmissable, the dancing is intoxicating. The public is happy, the organizers just as much. The synopsis is idyllic, isn’t it? And yet so true! This is what we/you experienced last year during the first edition of Pellicu-Live Festival in Thuir! Remember!

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And it’s high time to start over, right? Remember to take your tickets!

On the program for this 2022 edition

A beautiful musical program:

  • Balbino Medellin
  • Big Ali DJ Set
  • Cali (& friends)
  • Deluxe
  • Ibrahim Maalouf
  • Joeystarr
  • Kendji
  • Nemir Live Band

Gourmet side

Here is the list of chefs present, who will reveal some of their chef secrets for a colorful show:

  • Juan Arbelaez,
  • Denny Imbroisi,
  • Gilles Goujon,
  • Pierre Auge,
  • Julien Duboue
  • Julien Hermida

Big screen side

At the very beginning of the evening you will attend exciting masterclasses where the director Christophe Barratierthe comedian Arnaud Ducret and our women in the spotlight, the directors Melissa Drigeard and Audrey Dana will confide in this unclassifiable profession!

These meetings will be presented by the sponsor of the festival: Francois-Xavier Demaison.

We are told in the atrium not to forget to come in disguise on Saturday 03 and that there will also be dancing and free screenings of short and feature films at the Thuir cinema…

Poster 2022 – Pellicu-live
Organization of the festival

source site-35