More than a ton of cannabis resin seized in a truck, five suspects indicted

This operation is the conclusion of an investigation opened last November by the judicial police of Limoges, which was then taken over by the specialized interregional jurisdiction (Jirs) of the judicial court of Bordeaux.

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More than a ton of cannabis was seized in a truck last Thursday in the Paris region in the dismantling of traffic between the Franco-Spanish border and Île-de-France, indicates the prosecutor of the Republic of Bordeaux Frédérique Porterie in a press release on Wednesday August 17. Five suspects were charged and remanded in custody.

This operation is the conclusion of an investigation opened last November on a Limougeaud “reputed to be specialized in the conveyance of narcotics”, explains the prosecutor. The investigation, first opened by the judicial police of Limoges, was then taken over by the specialized interregional jurisdiction (Jirs) of the judicial court of Bordeaux.

On August 11, investigators from the Limoges judicial police and the Office anti-narcotics of the judicial police (Ofast) followed a narcotics delivery convoy, consisting of a so-called “opener” vehicle, driven by the Limougeaud, and of a truck. The convoy left the Franco-Spanish border and went to the Paris region, where the goods had to be distributed in other smaller vehicles.

This is where the investigators arrested the five individuals present on the spot, that is to say the limougeaud, an accomplice who was in his vehicle, the driver of the heavy goods vehicle and two individuals who had come to recover goods. They also seized one ton and 47 kg of cannabis resin, “the largest seizure of cannabis resin made by the Limoges judicial police”.

On August 14 and 15, the five suspects were indicted for “organized drug importation”, “drug trafficking” and “association of criminals with a view to the preparation of a crime and an offense punishable by ten years’ imprisonment”. They were remanded in custody.

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