a cat finds its family on the Ile d’Oléron after nine years of separation

Finding your pet after several years of separation, long after you have stopped believing in it. All those who have lost a cat (or a dog, but it’s rarer) cling to this kind of unusual stories.

That of Boudha – aged three at the time – began in the fall of 2013. His owners – who live in Saint-Trojan-les-Bains – decided to move to Dolus, still on the Ile d’Oléron (Charente -Maritime). But the feline brought back from Reunion Island does not get used to it. He disappears. Searches are fruitless. And the owners end up making up their minds: even if he is “chipped”, Boudha will never come back.

Pascal and his companion continue to roam around without their cat as they move (particularly overseas) and they end up returning to settle in Charente-Maritime. At Cherbonnières to the east of Saint-Jean-d’Angély.

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Last weekend, they received a phone call from Oleron refuge who managed to find them, despite the many changes of coordinates. Boudha is weakened but alive. Unbelievable.

In fact, he certainly never really left the Saint-Trojan-les-Bains area. We do not know how the cat got through these nine years, but he survived this long separation with perhaps a feeling of abandonment. By remaining in “his” commune, he alone still clung to the idea that they would eventually return. H

It was a relative of a member of the Oleron refuge who found Boudha in a transport crate covered with a towel and in the middle of the street under a blazing sun. He stayed there for several days until the miracle.

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Sunday, August 14, Pascal and his wife traveled from Cherbonnières to the refuge in Saint-Georges-d’Oléron to make up for lost time and find their Boudha, now 12 years old. For a moving reunion. Nine years later…

The only big concern, his state of health, very fragile and worrying. While awaiting the results of veterinary examinations, Boudha hopes to find strength and comfort… with her family.

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