“we end up becoming abusive” denounce the unions of the Laval hospital

On Friday August 12, 2022, the CGT and Force Ouvrière unions at Laval hospital filed a report with the public prosecutor of Laval in order to denounce the endangerment of health personnel and users of hospitals in the department. The unions criticize the French State for the lack of financial resources, the closure of more than 150 beds in Mayenne and the “constant pressure” performed on hospital staff. They call the Mayenne to a great mobilization in front of the Laval hospital next September.

“We come to work tired with a significant psychological burden”underlines Maxime Lebigot of the Force Ouvrière union at CH Laval. “In this kind of condition, we risk an error and it is the population that will suffer”laments the trade unionist. “With this report to the Public Prosecutor, we cannot be blamed for having done anything. Now the State is aware of the situation in Mayenne and we will have to react quickly”hopes Maxime Lebigot.

The unions also blame the lack of means and salaries “insufficient” in relation to the work provided. “There was the Ségur de la Santé, but many have been forgotten, and now with inflation, our salaries are too low”laments Meryame El Hamdaoui, representative of the CGT union at Laval hospital.

The Regional Health Agency (ARS) did not wish to answer on the filing of this report with the Public Prosecutor.

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