Drought: exceptional salt production in Aigues-Mortes



Article written by

B. Del Tatto, L. Florentin, L. Garcia, B. Rouch – France 3

France Televisions

In Aigues-Mortes, in the Gard, the salt harvest has started three weeks in advance and looks good. With the drought and the good weather, the conditions were right to produce salt.

In Aigues Mortes (gard)the salt harvest is good in 2022. It started three weeks early and 30 tonnes are picked up every day. “We push the fleur de sel, with this shovel, there are pads which are made to avoid scraping the coarse salt which settles at the bottom, while the fleur de sel forms on the surface”explains Vincent Carlseasonal. The conditions have been met to obtain salt: sunshine, the Mistral and not a drop of rain.

“A drought like in 2022 really helps us and it promotes salt crystallization and increases production”notes Alain Bartholomewresponsible for salt production in Aigues-Mortes. In case of bad weather, rain stops evaporation and prevents salt production. If the good weather continues, salt production should increase further before the end of the season, but rain is forecast for the next few days.

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