The host becomes the laughingstock of the web despite himself…

On August 25, viewers will have the chance to watch a brand new TV movie. A realization signed Olivier Guignard named “For the honor of a son”. It is on France 3 that should be broadcast this feature film in which Stéphane Bern plays the leading role. Indeed, the host of “Secrets d’Histoire” made the decision to step out of his comfort zone by slipping into the skin of Paul Leclerc, a father ready to do anything to discover the truth about the death of his son William.

“I refuse to see Stéphane Bern with a gun”

In the first images posted on Twitter, we can thus see the companion of Yori Bailleres with a weapon in his hand. A sequence that did not fail to react to Internet users. “I admit, Stéphane Bern who points someone with a weapon I had not anticipated”, “I refuse to see Stéphane Bern with a gun in his hand. It’s out of the question”, “Stéphane Bern coldly eliminating a columnist of ‘Secrets d’Histoire’ who forgot to mention the adventure of Marie-Adélaïde de Bourbon-Tonnerre with her groom in the stable of the Château de Montvillain -le-Canasson”, “One. Good. Time. For. All. Marie-Antoinette NEVER uttered this sentence on the brioche! »could we read under the publication put online by the chain.

Some did not hesitate to hijack this scene. On social media, a user named @zayphiregoat transported Stéphane Bern to the 18th century while writing “Hello Robespierre, I am Stéphane Bern, and I came from the future to kill you”. Another, meanwhile, preferred to dress the host in a medieval outfit, adding, in comment: “Monsieur Ravaillac? I am not fooled by anyone… It is from Henri IV Mauselle fauxqvère”. Misappropriations which very quickly aroused strong reactions.


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