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Sunday August 14, the firefighters managed to fix the fire in Gironde and in the Landes, well helped by the rains. The 8,000 evacuated residents are allowed to return home. A relief, after five days of anguish.
Thierry Goret, resident of Hostens (Gironde), is relieved to finally be able to return home, Sunday August 14. In Gironde, the fire is now fixed. “It’s a pleasure to come back. The house is still standing. It didn’t burn so we’re very lucky.”, he notes. As soon as he arrives, he shares his emotions with his neighbors. He can thus find his animals. Steven Rieublanc, resident of Bélin-Béliet (Gironde), can also find his two cats, which he had to leave in a hurry.
The situation however wearies the inhabitants of Hostens, already evacuated in July. “We have a little hope now that we are getting back to the standards, let’s say, in normal operation”, says Jean Louis Dartiailh, mayor of the town. In total, more than 8,000 evacuees were able to return home on Sunday.