the big parade of the Festival des Filets Bleus made its return despite the rain

Long rows of raincoats and umbrellas line the route. Many came this Sunday, August 14, for the return of the big parade of the Festival des Filets Bleus de Concarneau.

Manoa, she settled under the canvas of the shop where she works. A little high up, she scans the parade, phone in hand. She has several friends who parade. “I managed to take pictures, it’s perfect.” She is happy to be back at the festival after two absences. “This is _our traditions which are represented for 4 days._

“Traditions are important”

For the Mabit Aumont and Perron-Le Boulch family, it was also unthinkable to miss the parade. “We’ve been here since 9am”explains Brigitte, hood pulled down over her eyes._“We are proud of our Brittany”_, she exclaims. “Traditions are important, it’s fundamental”adds Marie-Pierre at his side. “It takes to the heart.” So they raise their voices and clap for encourage participants marching in the rain. “It’s a shame, we had good weather so far”, deplores Brigitte. And that pains him a little for all the groups. “It’s difficult for the girls with their headdress, they have to re-starch everything.”

And Brigitte knows what she’s talking about. Marion, his daughter, was part of the circle of Riec-sur-Belon for a long time. “It gives me chills to be there”, explains the young woman. A moving parade also for the family because, Marion’s brother, Pierre, parades in the procession for the first time.

“Happy to represent the Aven”

First time yes, but the desire had been for a long time. “I’m happy to parade, to represent the Aven”, explains Peter. And for him, it could only happen at the Filets Bleus. “I’m from Concarneau, I studied in Concarneau, I couldn’t see myself doing another parade than this.” And to accompany him in the procession, Laëtitia his wife. Queen of gorse flowers in 2005, she is happy to wear the costume. “Despite the rain, the fun is still there.”

_”_We have been coming to Les Filets Bleus since childhood. It’s our culture, we have to be able to perpetuate it”, explains the young woman.

Pierre, Mathéo, Laëtitia, Laurie, Maïwenn, Bertrand and Manon (from left to right) marched in costumes from the Aven territory. © Radio France
Lea Giraudeau

During the parade, Pierre, Laëtitia, their children and a couple of friends chose to to present oneself “individually”. That is to say that they wear costumes from the same territory, the Aven in this case, but from different periods.

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