Sudan: several demonstrations repressed



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Several weeks after the coup, repression continues in Sudan. On Wednesday November 17, the police opened fire on the demonstrators.

On Wednesday November 17, clashes continued in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. At the risk of their lives, residents challenged the putschists. “Those in power have no legitimacy”, says a protester. The unbalanced face-to-face between soldiers and citizens continues: 15 people were killed by the military. It is the bloodiest day in the country since the October 25 coup.

Sudan’s political transition was brought to an abrupt halt by this coup. In 2019, after 30 years in power, the dictator Omar el-Bechir was driven out into the streets. Now, opponents of power are delighted with a small victory: the government has just reopened the digital floodgates. For three weeks, the 45 million Sudanese no longer had access to the Internet. Several countries have reacted to this situation in Sudan. Visiting Nigeria, the US Secretary of State urges Khartoum to return to the path of democracy. For its part, the European Union condemns unacceptable killings. In Sudan, no way out seems to be emerging.


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