Paul McCartney box set called “McCartney I-II-III” released

This summer, the culture department of franceinfo invites you to vibrate in music, in images, in photos, in exhibitions. With each day, a cultural recommendation.
Sunday August 14, we are talking about music, with the release a few days ago of a box set bringing together the three so-called “eponymous and numbered” albums by a certain Paul McCartney.

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April 1970, the Beatles are separated – unofficially – and one of their leaders releases his first record, soberly called McCartney, accompanied by an interview with “Macca” formalizing the end of the group before the release of their latest album, let it be which will make the other three groan Fab Four. Recorded in his home in Scotland with his wife Linda, the artist playing all the instruments there and also preparing the cover, McCartney has thirteen pieces: eight songs and five instrumentals, the best known being Maybe I’m amazed that he still often plays in concert.

During the following years, Paul McCartney founded the group Wings, with half-hearted successes even if it remained as popular as ever, and in May 1980 he returned with a new solo, McCartney 2from which will come, among others, the singles Coming-up and Waterfallsbut the death of John Lennon, a few months later, which will affect him a lot, will put his projects on hold.

It will be necessary to wait until 2020, i.e. 40 years, for McCartney 3 see the light of day, even if “Macca” will have released about fifteen records in the meantime. The project is a continuation of the first two, for an album designed during confinement for “spend time”according to the author’s own admission.

In this box on sale for a few days we find these three eponymous albums, accompanied by three photo prints and an introduction by the artist.

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