The actor really has nothing left to hide…

In life, there are those who have complexes and those who give them. And, judging by this photo posted this weekend on his account instagram, the 44-year-old actor undoubtedly belongs to the second category. Hairstyle and beard trimmed to the hair, shoulders and biceps well drawn, abdominals in a chocolate bar, Brandon Quinn has it all, and does not hesitate to highlight his assets to the delight of his many fans. This image is surprising to his admirers who discovered him in the Canadian series “The Werewolf of Campus”, thanks to which the American actor, a native of Colorado, was revealed to the general public between 1999 and 2002.

At the time, if he made his little comrades tremble when he turned into a half-human beast, the young man’s physique was not enough to give his partners a great thrill. But that was before ! Since then, improving like good wine, which he does not seem to abuse too much, he has experienced the intoxication of a metamorphosis almost as surprising as that of an ordinary student becoming a bloodthirsty wolf. No doubt to the delight of his wife, Rachel Cadutal, and their three children, Chloe, Summer and Ezra, whose dad is now cut out like a superhero. A silhouette that deserves, because if we compare this shot to those taken during his wedding, it seems obvious that Brandon had to push cast iron for long hours, run, chain the series of “sit-ups” and sheathing to forge this athletic body. And the interested party seems rather proud of the result, judging by his comment accompanying this image: “I had never thought about the fact that I was often shirtless, until people said to me: ‘Wow, you are always shirtless’. And in fact it is true, they are right”. If a famous adage is that we don’t trust appearances, the attitude of the actor, who displays the best of himself, is basically quite understandable. What’s the point of working like crazy if no one realizes it? Except, of course, his wife Rachel…

See also: “I didn’t stab anyone at least”, has Joy Hallyday just settled accounts with Laura Smet and David? Nothing stops him !


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