the inhabitants mobilized to supply the firefighters

Solidarity is organized between the inhabitants following the fire in Campénéac, in Morbihan. The multipurpose room was requisitioned for set up a dormitory and store food donations. Finally, Friday evening, the 150 evacuees were able to be accommodated with friends, family and even by residents of the town, for a third of them. So, the priority for the inhabitants this night was to take care of firefighters. “We made over 500 sandwiches tonight alone”, breathes Marion, one of the inhabitants of Campénéac. Sandwiches, distributed to the 400 firefighters mobilized on the fire.

In total, over the day, 1,000 sandwiches were prepared by the inhabitants © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher
Residents cool all the sandwiches that have just been made
Residents cool all the sandwiches that have just been made © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher

But that’s not all. Drinks, fruits and vegetables were brought by residents, again for the mobilized firefighters. “We even have a market gardener who came with his arms full of tomatoes and zucchini”smiles Maud, a resident of Campénéac.

Supermarkets in Ploërmel delivered fruit and buns for firefighters
Supermarkets in Ploërmel delivered fruit and buns for firefighters © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher
Water packs were brought by residents and supermarkets in Ploërmel
Water packs were brought by residents and supermarkets in Ploërmel © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher

Supermarkets, they too show solidarity

All day and all night, several supermarkets in Ploërmel ensured deliveries food products, but especially beverages. Around 10:30 p.m., for example, a truck arrives, loaded with sugary drinks. “It was a request from the fire department”breathes Marion, “they need small bottles of flavored water, easier to transport or store.”

The inhabitants unload the drinks truck, brought by a supermarket in Ploërmel
The inhabitants unload the drinks truck, brought by a supermarket in Ploërmel © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher
The inhabitants unload the drinks truck, brought by a supermarket in Ploërmel
The inhabitants unload the drinks truck, brought by a supermarket in Ploërmel © Radio France
Charlotte Schuhmacher

In total, more than a hundred residents of Campénéac and the surrounding area took turns this Friday to supply the firefighters.

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