a 53-year-old man drowned in the former Laillé quarry

Rescuers couldn’t do anything. This Friday, August 12, around 7:30 p.m., a man was found dead, drowned in the old Laillé quarry, south of Rennes. The 53-year-old man could not be saved despite the intervention of firefighters from Ille-et-Vilaine.

A dangerous place

“The site of the former Laillé quarry is dangerous”, alert elected officials for many months. The site has become a spot for swimming and especially diving from the cliffs, which is however strictly prohibited. “Despite the beauty of the site, everyone must understand that coming here can put their life in danger”alerted, a few weeks ago, Anne Lecouriaud, first deputy mayor of Laillé.

More information to come…

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