the disturbing message of Line Renaud who wants to die in “his bed”!

A thousand year old debate. Do we have the right to die with dignity? Some countries think so, and some don’t. In France, euthanasia is not authorized but some would like this to be the case. Proof of this is with Line Renaud who has just taken an important position in the debate this Thursday, August 11. A position that will undoubtedly divide and provoke many reactions. As may have been the case when she was a medalist of the Legion of Honor.

Indeed, many Internet users described the decoration received by the 94-year-old artist as abnormal. “This good slimy woman, eats at all the racks to scratch the dough and the buzz, which she does not deserve. Giving her this distinction is shameful!”dropped some Internet users before others added: “Legion of Honor for Line Renaud, what’s the report?”, “I’ve always had trouble with the reputation of Line Renaud. The pseudo-nice granny who regularly calls to vote for the right while humming for restaurants from the heart, I find that quite hypocritical”.

His assumed position

There was no question of the Legion of Honor or Sidaction this Thursday, August 11, but indeed of the right to die with dignity. In a video posted on the Twitter account of @ADMDFRANCE, Line Renaud expressed herself and expressed her wish for a law which opens the right to euthanasia. “I joined the Association for the Right to Die with Dignity. When there is no longer any quality of life, when we persist, it is better to leave. Let’s vote for a freedom law”. This time, the majority of Internet users seemed to agree with the speech of the one who appeared in a swimsuit a few weeks ago. “Thank you, because I always told those around me that if something happened to me, I don’t want to be hooked up to a machine”thanked some.

Words that follow Line Renaud’s statement in April 2021, in Correspondent on France 2in a topic dedicated to euthanasia. “I would like to die in my bed, I would like to die at home and I would even like to have around me my very close friends Muriel (Robin), Claude (Chirac), Nicole (Sonneville) and Danny Boon”she explained before continuing: “They would be four around me, I would ask that we open a bottle of champagne and I would drink to life. When you know that death is there, that there is no longer any quality of life and suffering instead, if we are a deputy, we help to leave”.

See also: Line Renaud is not happy …


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