Salman Rushdie: The writer stabbed on stage in New York! A man arrested

As AP reports, this Friday, August 12, 2022, writer Salman Rushdie was attacked by a man as he prepared to give a reading on stage at the Chautauqua Institution in New York City. According to a witness from the news agency, a man jumped out of his chair to attack the novelist, under the influence of a fatwa since 1988 and the publication of his book, satanic verses.

According to AP, Salman Rushdie was attacked by a man who “popped up to hit or stab him“. The perpetrator, now 75, was quickly taken care of as he lay on the ground while his assailant was subdued. Contacted by AFP, Chautauqua County police, where the writer had to speak, confirmed that a person had been stabbed without specifying at this stage the identity of the victim.

We do not yet know, for the time being, the state of health of the writer who has been threatened with death since the 1980s because of his cult book. At the time, Iranian Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa against him calling for his death. If the government in place has since more or less dissociated itself from this threat, an Iranian religious foundation has put a price on its head against 3.3 million dollars…

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