Germany to limit heating in public buildings to 19°C this winter

The Minister of the Economy anticipates “a difficult winter” in the face of the explosion in energy prices and the deterioration of supply, due to the war in Ukraine.

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After Madrid, it is up to Berlin to impose standards on the temperature of buildings. Germany will limit heating to 19°C in all public buildings next winter to reduce the risk of energy shortages, announced Economy Minister Robert Habeck, Friday August 12.

Will not be affected “hospitals and social institutions”clarified the environmental minister, also responsible for Climate Protection, in a daily interview Suddeutsche Zeitung to be released on Saturday. Monuments and historic buildings will also no longer have to be illuminated at night, a measure already adopted by several cities such as Berlin.

Like the European Union, the German government has been calling for national mobilization for several weeks to save energy, in the face of the explosion in prices and the deterioration of supplies caused by the war in Ukraine. A campaign has been launched to promote certain practices, such as lowering the air conditioning of buildings or favoring public transport. Many cities have already lowered the water temperature of swimming pools or urban lighting.

The Minister of the Economy plans “a difficult winter” for the country, which still depended 35% on Russian gas for its imports at the beginning of June (against 55% before the war), and more than 50% on gas for heating homes. To avoid shortages, the country is considering the extension of several nuclear power plants.

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