heard about his tax practices, Donald Trump remains silent after six hours of hearing with the New York prosecutor

In a press release in the morning, the former president of the United States said he was once again the victim of a “witch hunt” and claimed to have “refused to answer questions”.

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It is no surprise that he decided to remain silent. Donald Trump left Wednesday, August 10, without saying a word after six hours of hearing with the Attorney General of New York State. She was questioning him as part of a civil investigation, on suspicion of financial fraud within his family group.

> > Search at Donald Trump: we summarize the legal proceedings against the former American president

The convoy of black SUVs carrying the former President of the United States left lower Manhattan around 3 p.m. tinted windows of his vehicle. Arrived around 9 a.m. at the office of Attorney General Letitia James, the billionaire remained silent, invoking the famous 5th amendment to the American Constitution, which authorizes not to testify against oneself.

In a press release in the morning, the former president of the United States said he was once again the victim of a “witch hunt” and claimed to have “refused to answer questions, under the rights and prerogatives granted to every citizen by the Constitution of the United States”.

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