New psychological harassment complaint | Legault: “I trust Marie-Ève ​​Proulx”

(Quebec) François Legault reiterated Tuesday his full confidence in his former minister Marie-Ève ​​Proulx, targeted by a new complaint of psychological harassment. For the moment, the Prime Minister is behind the version of his candidate in Côte-du-Sud wanting “there was no problem” with the complainant.

Posted at 12:13 p.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

The Journal of Montreal revealed on Tuesday that the former Minister of Regional Economic Development must respond to a new complaint of psychological harassment for events that allegedly occurred after his demotion in 2021. The complainant Laetitia Canova, a former political attaché of the deputy, is addressed to the Administrative Labor Tribunal. She would have been fired on July 26, 2021.

Still according to documents obtained by the media of Quebecor, it would then be the date of the “last manifestation of harassment”. The complainant would also have filed a complaint in connection with her dismissal.

“First, psychological harassment is zero tolerance. Let’s be clear. When I speak with Marie-Ève ​​Proulx, she tells me that this person is not right to file a complaint. The file is before the court, it is the word of one against the other, ”defended François Legault on the sidelines of the announcement of his candidate in Laval-des-Rapides, Céline Haytayan.

“Me, I trust Marie-Ève ​​Proulx that there was no problem with that person. Now we will wait for the court’s decision, ”he added. Mr. Legault also revealed that the complainant would also have filed a complaint with the National Assembly “and her complaint had not been retained”. “Currently, I trust in this file, in our candidate,” he added.

This is not the first time that the member for Côte-du-Sud has been the subject of allegations of psychological harassment. Mme Proulx had resigned as minister following a meeting with the Prime Minister in May 2021. Another former employee of the MP’s constituency office had filed two complaints against Marie-Ève ​​Proulx at the TAT for psychological harassment and dismissal due to illness or accident. The minister did not have to appear in court: an agreement was reached between the parties recently.

In addition, at least a dozen people in his cabinet have left or been fired since the start of his term.

The events reported by The Journal of Montreal would therefore have occurred after his resignation. The Prime Minister had however committed, in May 2021, to “closely monitor the situation”.

“We had information last year to the effect that there was a work climate that was difficult in M’s Proulx. We met her, we gave her services, she was entitled to the services, among other things, of a coachand unfortunately, we realize that the situation has not improved enough. […] I am forced to come to the conclusion that she cannot remain minister, ”he said at the time. Marie-Ève ​​Proulx had lost her ministry, but had remained a member of the caucus.

Marie-Ève ​​Proulx must leave, according to Anglade

Liberal leader Dominique Anglade believes that François Legault has no choice but to show the door to his candidate in Côte-du-Sud, where Marie-Ève ​​Proulx is seeking a second term. “To me, zero tolerance is not just words. They are principles, values, actions. It’s not something that’s in the air,” she said in an interview with The Press.

“It is not tolerable and [François Legault] should have acted earlier. It is high time for him to act”, she added, affirming that it is a “question of principles and values”. “We are in 2022, this kind of behavior is unacceptable”, she hammered.

Dominique Anglade showed MP Marie Montpetit the door by excluding her from the Liberal caucus last November after she was targeted by allegations of psychological harassment and intimidation. The Press had at the time revealed that Mme Anglade had notably received a written complaint of psychological harassment targeting Mme Montpetit, in addition to being made aware of similar allegations about her.

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