United States: Joe Biden’s $430 billion plan adopted




Article written by

C.Guttin, T.Donzel, K.Sullivan den Bergh, A.LeGoff – France 2

France Televisions

In the United States, after a year and a half of negotiations, the Senate approved, on Sunday August 7, a gigantic investment plan of 430 billion dollars for the climate, health and employment. This is an important success for the Democratic camp, three and a half months before the mid-term elections.

After sixteen hours of debate and 18 months of negotiations, the plan to reduce inflation was approved to applause. adopted in the US Senate. It’s a win for Joe Bidenwho succeeded in getting this project passed, despite the opposition of all the Republicans. 430 billion dollars of investment are planned, with an unprecedented budget reserved for the climate in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. To achieve this, no tax, but incentives and tax credits. Thus, 7,500 dollars of aid for Americans who would like to buy an electric car or even 30% support by the government for the installation of solar panels.

On the health side, for the first time, the prices of ten drugs can be renegotiated downwards directly with the laboratories. However, these measures for to reduce inflation are likely to be insufficient according to specialists. Democrats are counting on that plan ahead of the midterm elections scheduled for November.

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