Lanaudière | Motorist dies after crashing into two other vehicles

A motorist lost his life after hitting two other cars on Thursday in Lanaudière.

Florence Morin-Martel

Florence Morin-Martel

The fatal collision occurred shortly after 5 p.m. in Saint-Félix-de-Valois. A 58-year-old motorist traveling on Route 131 ended up in the opposite lane, said Stéphane Tremblay, spokesperson for the Sureté du Québec (SQ). After colliding with a first car, the motorist in the opposite lane collided head on with another vehicle.

The 58-year-old man, alone in his car, was taken to hospital in critical condition, where he succumbed to his injuries. The person in the first car struck was not injured. The motorist of the second car, who had a head-on collision, sustained minor injuries.

The cause of the lane change that caused the accident remains unknown. The collision occurred near the Blue Roof Flea Market. At this point, Route 131 is a 90 km / h zone.

Route 131 is still closed in both directions, said Stéphane Tremblay.

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