In Paris, the Edison vaccination center closed due to a break in the cold chain

The Edison vaccination center, in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, had to close its doors Thursday August 4 “because of a _break in the cold chain_, explains the city of Paris. It reopens Tuesday, August 9 at 9 a.m.

The breaking of this cold chain is due to “a malfunction of a fridge from the vaccination center. It was not strong enough to withstand the high heat“, specifies the town hall. Warned, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) confirmed on the spot that‘no risk was incurred by persons vaccinated with these doses but that their effectiveness was less.

The faulty fridge was replaced with several new ones to prevent other heat episodes that could happen.

Vaccinated persons recalled

In total, 468 people vaccinated with these doses were recalled to reschedule and effectively protected against the virus. These are people who have been vaccinated between August 2 and 4.

Vaccination windows which were scheduled between August 4 and 8 at the Edison center have been redispatched to other centers in the city or rescheduled from August 9.

Regarding the vaccines remaining in the fridge, they have been placed in quarantine, “we don’t know if they are effective, we are awaiting ANSM validation”, says the city. This would concern several hundred doses monkeypox vaccine.

Lhe Edison center has been open since July 26. Its vocation is to become a very large center entirely devoted to protection against monkey pox.

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