“I didn’t get over it”: Nabilla Benattia makes a big revelation about her son Leyann

Even on vacation, Nabilla Benattia does not neglect her fans. The former reality TV star continues to give her news on her Snapchat account. And this Monday August 8, 2022, it was a tender moment shared with Leyann (2 months) that she revealed.

The beautiful 30-year-old brunette posted a video in which her husband Thomas Vergara carries Milann’s brother (2 and a half years old). And suddenly, their baby starts to smile. Something to amaze the mother of the family. “Look he’s smiling. Now he smiles, it’s too beautiful“, she first launched. Nabilla Benattia then continued, facing the camera of her phone: He gave us the first smile a week ago. I didn’t get over it. And since then he smiles at us from time to time. One is happy.”

At the end of July, it was a big cap from his son Milann that Nabilla Benattia and Thomas Vergara shared. After unveiling images of the luxurious villa in which they were going to spend their holidays, the charming 35-year-old brunette filmed his eldest son in the swimming pool. At only two years old, the little boy was able to swim without armbands. He advanced without too much trouble towards his mother who was waiting for him, with a big smile on her face. “Milann is taking a step forward. He is training to swim. He gets there without armbands and without a vest“, confided the beautiful brown of 35 years while he immortalized this beautiful moment with the family.

If Nabilla shares the best with her community, she also does not hesitate to reveal certain more difficult moments. As proof, she admitted having experienced a very complicated plane journey to get to her vacation spot. “I got judged on the plane, Leyann was just screaming, I was too ashamed, I became the person people hate on the plane… I take back everything I said about people who had babies crying, I should never have puffed, I was punished“, she had notably confided last July 27. And on August 2, she explained that Leyann already had a strong character.We yell at our mom, we’re not happy, we pee on her when she changes her diaper, we pull her hair… We know how to be heard here. Here we are on a very big character, I think it’s a bit of mine“, she declared.

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