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In order to counter the drought, the mayor of Arboys-en-Bugey, in Ain, decided to cut off the water to his constituents for a few hours to save money. A divisive gesture, Monday August 8.
In Arboys-en-Bugey, the 640 inhabitants of the village have no tap water for nearly eight hours a day, Monday August 8. This decision was taken by the town hall in order to avoid shortages. For some, this solution is not adequate during the summer vacation period. Others get along with it. “Showering in the evening, before going to bed, is not a problem either and at lunchtime, I can cook normally between 11.30 a.m. and 2 p.m.”remarks a resident.
Some villages bear the brunt of the heat wave and the drought. In the village, it has not rained for a month, one of the three springs that supply the water catchments has dried up and the level of the second is worrying. A man waters his vegetable garden with a source of unsafe water. “We have to come back to other things a little bit, because water is our first resource”, justifies Michel-Charles Riera, mayor of Arboys-en-Bugey (Ain). In just three days, the village’s water consumption would have dropped by 10% according to the municipality.