the situation is still tense on the Polish border




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While a first repatriation flight has taken off for Baghdad, many migrants are still at the border between Belarus and Poland, Thursday, November 18.

The situation is extremely tense on the border between Belarus and Poland, at the gates of the European Union. “According to the Belarusian authorities, 7,000 migrants are still present in Belarus tonight. Alexander Lukashenko says he is ready to help 5,000 of them to return to their country. But he plays the ambiguity by also asserting that Germany could welcome the 2,000 others “, details Julien Gasparutto, special correspondent on site.

“Germany and the European Union immediately denied the information. The latter evoke technical discussions, but only to repatriate migrants and provide them with humanitarian aid. There will be no reception of refugees in Europe” , we know in Brussels, continued the journalist. Poland maintains the presence of 15,000 troops at the border, and around 100 migrants attempting to cross it have been arrested.

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