This disease from which the actress has always suffered and which makes her daily life hell!

At 74 and with a career spanning some 50 years, actress Nathalie Baye is recognized by the weekly JDD a series of articles on his life, his work… but also on the hidden sides of his personality. In the past, the actress The balance had already mentioned her dyslexia, disabling for her profession, which she had gradually managed to overcome through compulsive reading. She then opened up to Marie Claire : “I still have great difficulty with proper names. If I meet a Mr. Trianon, I will call him ‘Mr. Triton’… On the other hand, when I learn my text or when I play, there is no no more problems”. Before adding: “Dyscalculia is more boring”. Because the ex-Ms. Hallyday also suffers from dyscalculia, or specific disorders which are an alteration in the ability to understand and use numbers, affecting the memorization of numerical facts.

A real daily constraint that can lead to funny situations: “I had my credit card swallowed recently, because I confused my bank code with that of my building. Apart from my daughter’s, I don’t remember any birthday, not even mine. . I was wished one day by SMS and I did not know what I was talking about”, she still confided to Marie Claire.

But to these disorders that are very difficult to manage, especially for an actress, we learn that a third and, hopefully for her, a final one also affects her: claustrophobia! And the latter, which she would have inherited from her father, causes just as much embarrassment in the life of Nathalie Baye, as underlined by the Sunday newspaper : “She knows an irrational fear of being in an enclosed space. Completely closed elevators, cars without rear doors, MRIs in hospitals, rooms with no windows are impossible for her”.

And when the actress decided to consult a shrink to free herself from all her distressing disorders, she had to face a new ordeal: “The psychoanalyst’s office she was going to see in Paris was located beyond the tenth floor of a tower. The elevator was closed. Nathalie went up on foot”, reports the weekend weekly. But while she manages to tame her dyslexia and manage her dyscalculia, she seems to have come to terms with her claustrophobia: “I can’t fight it. It’s irrational.”

See also: “I didn’t stab anyone at least”, has Joy Hallyday just settled accounts with Laura Smet and David? Nothing stops him !


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