Slimane, one of his brothers works for him: “It’s not easy…”

He lives for love, he sings of love. If we still do not know in what circumstances took place the birth of his daughter Esmeralda, born in January 2022, Slimane has decided to talk about his feelings, with an open heart, on his new album Chronicles of a Cupid, which will be released at the start of the school year on September 2. On this new opus, we may not find Vitaa, the artist’s lifelong accomplice, but a whole host of other colleagues: Soprano, Manal, La Zarra, Claudio Capéo or even Lyna Mahyem.

It took me two years to write it

Love, he has it in spades and dedicates, in this new album, titles to several members of his entourage. “It took me two years to write itexplains Slimane in the columns of the magazine Entertainment TV. For a long time, I waited and sought to be in love with all that that implies: the joys, the sorrows, the doubts. But I realized that I was surrounded by a lot of love: that of my family, that which I have had for my daughter for a few months… a more universal love which fulfills me. And arguably more durable too.

It’s not simple, but they are my bulwarks against the rest of the world

In a relationship or single ? Slimane prefers to keep his secret garden… secret! However, we know that he wrote the title Thousands of I love you for his little Esmeralda and In the dark for his mother, who is gradually losing her sight due to her diabetes. The family is his whole life. Some members of the clan evolve, moreover, in its shadow – he comes from a family of four. “It’s not easy, but they are my bulwark against the rest of the world… and in every sense of the word for my brother, since he takes care of my safety.explains the 32-year-old singer. They are always there for me and never look at me as someone different. They see behind the scenes and know how much I put all my energy into my work…

Find Slimane’s interview in the Télé Loisirs magazine, n°1901, of August 1, 2022.

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