Episodes 21 to 25 – François Pompon, from the Great War to the Polar Bear

single silhouette

That’s how we could describe François Pompon’s animals: silhouettes. Some criticize this new style vehemently. The Burgundian does not let it go.

François took his rest to model his dream.

A whole menagerie

My dear little beasts return my friendship well.

The menagerie in the Jardin des Plantes is much more than a place for the bear’s future father to stroll. He is here at home. And the reverse is also true. In his small accommodation, the clay and plaster animals feel like home.

Alone and out of work

I wasted 20 years of my life working for others.

François Pompon is 59 years old. All men under the age of 48, old enough to hold a weapon, are mobilized. François, too old, the beard too white, is not one of them.

To survive

Pompom is hungry. It’s the war. He has no choice but to accept odd jobs to survive.

After the death of St Marceaux, friend and employer of François, Berthe began to suffer from paralysis.

peace in the garden

In Paris, Berthe is safer and Pompon can find work more easily. One of the Burgundian’s daily walks takes him to the Jardin des Plantes menagerie.

Thursday morning, I picked up Pompon and we left on foot for the Jardin des Plantes. It was equipped with a large wooden box like that of porcelain repairers.

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