Mosquitoes galore and the bed is too small at Fort de Bregançon where the Macrons spend their summer holidays!

It has become a tradition. Since the 1960s, all the presidents of the Vth have sacrificed to this summer ritual: spending a fortnight in this Var retreat, somewhat improved over time, but which is more like a restored military building than a luxurious palace for the greats of this world. Emmanuel Macron was no exception to the rule and took a break in this residence with prestigious guests, whose secrets we reveal to you.

It all started in 1964, when General de Gaulle decided to appropriate this bourgeois house surrounded by cypresses, olive trees and mimosas in a rather inelegant way. Simple guest of the Fort, he spends a night of horror in a bed far too small to accommodate the 2 meters of his large carcass and is devoured by bloodthirsty mosquitoes. No doubt seduced by a breathtaking view of the “Big Blue”, he decided despite everything to make it his summer residence, and fired with a simple letter the legitimate owner of the place, Senator Robert Bellanger.

The residence is so isolated that the services of the Élysée have to build a road where there was until then a simple track. The engineers realize that it will have to cross the lands of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which happens to own the neighboring house. But this incursion will not start any war. A fan of swimming, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, who finds the beach too exposed to the gaze of the curious, has another one built, which is accessed by descending a staircase of 200 steps.

Nicolas Sarkozy, who probably did not really want to go up them, chose another retreat, the property of his wife Carla Bruni, at Cap Nègre, located a stone’s throw from Brégançon. Another sign of the times, photographers armed with telephoto lenses mingle with onlookers surrounding the premises, an impressive security device is deployed. Divers and police boats now surround the president and his wife during their swims, for the modest sum of €60,000. As François Hollande confided: “you tell yourself that bathing is expensive”. So, to have peace, Emmanuel Macron had a ten-meter-long above-ground swimming pool built in 2018, at a cost of €34,000. The price of peace…

See also: Emmanuel Macron rolls out the red carpet for the President of the United Arab Emirates and Brigitte pulls out all the stops, her wonderfully mind-blowing dress!


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