These 10 photos of French presidents on vacation in Brégançon that made the buzz!

Halfway between Marseille and Nice, a few dozen kilometers from Saint-Tropez, in the sublime Var village of Bormes-les-Mimosas, the Fort de Brégançon is reflected in the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean. Perched on a rocky peak, this proud stone giant not only has the unique opportunity to face the islands of Hyères, Port-Cros and Levant, but also to be the official summer residence of heads of state. French. A privilege that he owes to General de Gaulle, who, in the 1960s, declared Brégançon a summer resort for the President of the Republic, and commissioned work entrusted to an architect from the national navy which would last three years. But if this little corner of paradise nestled between bougainvilleas and other mimosas was the cocoon of leaders and their families, it also harbored certain secrets, certain scandals and precipitated the downfall of some of its inhabitants.

After the passage of the first President of the Republic who had brought in a bed to his size, Georges and Claude Pompidou gave a facelift to the bourgeois residence. With their certain taste for design and contemporary art, this couple of jet-setters brought the greatest avant-garde of the time into the presidential residence. A modernity swept away by the more “traditional” Giscard d’Estaing who restored the Louis XV style to its former glory. The former economy minister even had an artificial beach built to escape the eyes of the paparazzi.

For his part, François Mitterrand will rarely be photographed at the Fort de Brégançon, where the first president on the left preferred Latché in the Landes or Gordes in the Vaucluse. Danielle’s husband will set foot there only once in Brégançon to receive Chancellor Kohl in 1985. His successor will say “got bored” in this small village where the pine forest overlooks the turquoise waters of Lavandou. But Jacques Chirac will have made one of his legendary stops since the former leader of the RPR was photographed in his simplest camera one morning when he came to admire the view.

As for Nicolas Sarkozy, he quickly preferred to settle not far from there, in the sumptuous family home of his wife Carla Bruni, located at the tip of Cap Nègre. After him, François Hollande took up residence there just after his election in 2012. But this first summer will already be one too many for Valérie Trierweiler’s companion, who was accused of a tad too much idleness in the Var after his election.

Arrived on the evening of Friday July 29 in Bormes-les-Mimosas, Emmanuel Macron seems to enjoy the simple pleasures of the Var coast. He did not hesitate to take a sporty sunbath. As reported Var Morning, the President of the Republic treated himself to a canoe trip on Wednesday August 3, at 6 p.m. A shirtless round trip on the Mediterranean of about twenty minutes, in his blue-white-red boat, which delighted the paparazzi present to immortalize the event.


See also: Emmanuel Macron shirtless? Vladimir Putin evokes a “disgusting spectacle”!

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